Monday, March 16, 2015

Journey to God without Church

On November 6th, 2013, I sat in a job interview with a woman who had my face. I looked at her and thought:
"You have my face."

We cordially joked about our similarities during introductions, but that conference room became a twilight zone. I was being interviewed by myself five years in the future. She was interviewing her past self. 

I was being interviewed for Assertive Community Treatment, Vocational Specialist. On the table between us sat an apology: "Our team hasn't gotten a client a job in about 5 years. We don't have a vocational program. We need you to build one."

The woman with my face asked my favorite interview question. 

Where do you see yourself in five years?

I live in that question.
I'm always working out a five year plan. I love planning for five years older me. And in this supernatural moment- 5 years older me was asking.  

Into a mirror, I said: 
To be completely honest...
I see myself in your shoes.
I want to be a team leader. 
But- I'm currently waiting on the universe for a few answers. 

Then, 5 years older me asked exactly what I wanted her to:

What did you ask the universe?

I spoke:
AM the best vocational specialist your going to find. Everyone I work with- gets a job. 

But, I love employment because poverty and oppression are my favorite social issues. I feel more passionately about rehabilitation services than I do clinical services. So, I've asked the universe if it would like to use me for poverty. 
I'm currently waiting to see what happens. 

The woman with my face offered me the job. She also offered me a salary $5500 more a year than I was expecting.
That day, I climbed up the ladder higher than I was reaching. The supernatural interview and job offer brought me to a goal I set for myself in two years. 
I skipped 2 years ahead in my 5 year plan. 

I took the job, and began reworking my five year plan. But, an 
interesting thing happened. It was like being visited by the ghost of my employment future... while working for five years older me: I didn't like what that future held. 

In the spring of 2014, I received $10,540 in one crazy single-mom tax return. 
Into the universe I whispered: "I would do something cool with this money..." and let it sit in my bank account. 

3 months later, I was a plane to Haiti. I watched stability and certainty growing distant on land below knowing I didn't need either anymore.

Here I am.
12 months later. 
Haiti Mama.

In 2013, I took a year off of RELIGON. I didn't go to church. I removed myself from religious communities. Religion had become something toxic to my blood. I felt anger when I tried to participate. 

I remained faithful in a higher power, and I asked "the universe" to show me how to get to God without religion. 

I studied ancient truths from all societies. I read books about Buddism, C S Lewis, Martin Luther King, Ghandi... 

I tried to put together a list of truths about God collective throughout humanity. And then I tried to discover them. 

The list... Grows constantly. But slowly. (Which was how I arrived at #3)

My Truths About God {so far} 
1. God is Love. 
2. God is alive. 
3. God is not in a hurry. 
4. God is family. 
5. God accomplishes tasks through people.
6. God is NOT invisible when He is nameless. 
7. God is energy. 
8. God is community. 
9. God's concept of "perfect" is love.
10. God heard my prayers when I called him "the universe." He is always listening. 

Ironically, God sucked me to Haiti BEFORE I had gone back to church and when I could support myself financially. But, I think religion taught me something backwards when it said: "Your church is your family." because what I see is:  "Your family is your church." 

Your family are the people God gives the heavenly duty of loving you on earth. 

want this Haiti Mama job. 
I love the five year plan. 

But, I need to be honest about fundraising. I need to be real while I'm asking people to support me. 

I don't want one church to give us the money, because I want Haiti Mama to be a family bigger than one denomination. 

I'd like us to join together as a family to restore families because our truths are the same. 

Haiti Mama's family doesn't discriminate. Your family loves you no matter what.

The next $2000/month in recurring donations to Haiti Mama will be used to support this vocational specialist's new five year plan.  

Please join the family: 

    November 6, 2013, Interview Selfie.