Thursday, February 19, 2015

reconsider the orphanage system, PART III

Social Workers have rules.
Like: Consult research to find the best practice and approach to solve a problem. 

Almost always some beautiful mind out there has spent time using fancy math to solve social issues. 

Reconsider the Orphanage System; Part III; Informal supports vs Formal supports. 
Informal support systems: 
Family, friends, community, neighbors, co-workers...
Formal supports systems: 
Governmental or Non-Governmental organizations and facilities...

The research is out on this, folks. Informal support systems won.
We know it is best to empower a client to utilize their informal support systems before we do anything else. We practice this in the States right down to our food stamp calculations. 

Research has proven informal support systems are the most dependable resource available.
Research has proven that human relationships fuel our existence.  

I am challenging my readers to reconsider the orphanage system because I would like us to collectively consider alternatives that have evidence of positive outcomes. 

Case example: 
A mom is completely broke and her son is starving. 
She comes to you and begs you to take her child because she can't feed him. 
You bring mom inside give her some rice and beans and help her come up with a plan. 
A plan that involves her informal support systems so that she is supported by her community and empowered by human relationships. 

You're thinking, "That all sounds sweet, little Miss Social Worker... but it's not that simple..."
You're right. It's not that simple. 
But, there are things we could start to do, and steps we could take to move our system in
a better direction. 

1. Use resources on the family not just the child. 
2. Provide services to children in the community. 
3. Provide culturally considerate services. 
4. Remember to stabilize a family they need: housing, education, and employment. 
5. Employ Haitians. 
6. Discontinue institutionalizing children in orphanages for evangelistic purposes. 
7. Refuse to take children FROM parents. Say: "No, that is your child." and help them another way.
8. Visit people's homes. 
9. Remember an orphanage can never be a permanent resource, but family, friends and neighbors are.
10. Offer to empower, educate, and advocate for parents. Don't enable them to resign to their poverty.

Join the reunification initiative. Learn more at

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